Academic Aunties is a podcast about surviving and maybe even thriving in the neoliberal academy. Whether you are graduate student, an early career researcher, or a professor who has been dealing with the toxicity of academia far too long, the stories and advice from our guests are for you. Every month, Dr. Ethel Tungohan speaks with fellow academic aunties who are first-generation, who are racialized, who are women, and who inhabit social locations that are traditionally unrepresented in this exclusionary space. And along the way, we try and plant the seeds for structural transformation.
The Host

Dr. Ethel Tungohan is an Associate Professor of Politics, and Canada Research Chair in Canadian Migration Policy, Impacts and Activism, at York University. She specializes in socially engaged research and is actively involved in the grassroots migrant rights movement.
You can connect with Ethel on Twitter at @tungohan and at
Academic Aunties is produced by Ethel Tungohan, Wayne Chu and Nisha Nath.
Get in Touch
Got an idea for a future episode or need some auntie wisdom? E-mail us at [email protected] or send us a message on Twitter at @AcademicAuntie. We’d love to hear from you!